by Elise Franchino, President of the Rotaract Club of Washington, DC At our first monthly meeting of the year, we had an amazing turn out. Twenty-six Rotaractors, Rotarians, and guests gathered to hear from District 7620 Governor Barton Goldenberg. He shared valuable public speaking tips, such as: don’t stand in front of the podium, know your material, and slow down your speech. I presented a warm welcome to attendees and shared my vision for the year, which you can read below:
“It is my honor to welcome Rotaract members, Rotarians, prospective members, and guests to the first annual meeting of the Rotaract Club of Washington, DC. In her book Dare to Lead, Brene Brown writes, “If we want people to fully show up, to bring their whole selves including their unarmored, whole hearts - so that we can innovate, solve problems, and serve people - we have to be vigilant about creating a culture in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected.” It is that culture, where we can each show up as our authentic selves, that drew me to join the Rotaract club. At a time when I was new in this city, new to my field, and feeling anxiety and doubt, Rotaract came into my life. In the past year and a half, the club has given me connections to my new community, opportunities to explore events and interests, and friendships that will last a lifetime. But most importantly, Rotaract gave me a sense of belonging. It is that same feeling of belonging and acceptance that I hope to cultivate in and share with each of you. We are a Rotaract family, 30 members strong, part of a larger Rotaract network of over 10,000 clubs and 250,000 members worldwide. Though we are divided geographically, across 184 countries, what unites us is our dedication to service above self, our interest in personal and professional growth, and our youth. When our youth passes, as it inevitably will, we have a Rotary family waiting for us with open arms. This year, we will build on our 25 years of service, partnership, and support, by launching a mentorship program between our Rotary and Rotaract clubs. We are eager to learn from Rotary’s leadership and expertise, and share insights from our own experiences. With our members’ interests taking center stage, we’ve planned a number of exciting events in the coming months. We’ll be taking a trip to the Renaissance Festival, picnicking with our Rotary and Interact families, and hosting our annual Friendsgiving food drive. We’ll be bringing awareness to Polio for our World Polio Day fundraising hike and calling attention to childhood trauma during our documentary screening at DuPont Underground. We will have opportunities to serve our community each month, including Grate Patrol, an upcoming literacy event to benefit incarcerated individuals, and volunteering at Food and Friends. Making each of these events possible is our capable, dedicated board. I’d like to personally thank each of you - Kristen, Austin, Tine, Michelle, Ilisa, Allie, Sam, Elaine, and our brand new Treasurer, Amanda, for all of your help transitioning into this new year and ensuring the continued success of our organization. This year, I hope to develop each of our unique capabilities and encourage the potential we all possess, as we serve our community and build our friendship. But my biggest hope for the year, is that when you are with your Rotaract family, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, gender, ability status, educational attainment, nationality, or any of the other features that make you extraordinary, you’ll always know: You Belong.” We are thrilled to have started our 2019-2020 year so strong, and look forward to all of the fun, friendships, and service ahead. |
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